Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Apples, Apples and more Apples!

Any of you who are also followers of my sister's fabulous blog will already know that the boys and I visited Grandpa and Minka last weekend and had a great time! It is always fun to be home and especially when we find fun things to do. Actually, to be honest, it can be a little exhausting for mama to try to keep the boys contained in one area of my parents large house and yard, while keeping them settled down and nothing broken. But still, it's their favorite thing to do. Between my mother and my sister, we were fed yummy food, too - always the best part!

So my sister and I got the bright idea that we'd take the boys out to pick apples. Of course, it was probably the coldest day so far, but they don't care! So we bucked up and hauled them out to an apple orchard that allowed you to pick your own apples. They had the best time! We tried mightily to get them to pick apples that would be good for baking or eating, but basically they just picked any apple that was at their level and looked interesting. 26 pounds of apples! YES. They loaded up their bags until they couldn't carry them any more. And then Mama had to carry them. Of course. Which didn't stop them from picking.

We also were able to get some great pictures of them. There truly are few things more beautiful than an apple orchard in the fall.

At the end of the day, we made classic apple pie and a 'Becky Original' apple pie, both in my parents convection microwave - an interesting experience. But still fun. And yummy! I also made apple crisp and STILL have apples left... Fall is such a fun time of the year!

Oh, and the boys spent Saturday helping Grandpa move my sister's family into their new house. They worked so hard and Grandpa said they carried lots of heavy things and didn't quit once. He was so proud of them (me too!!).

Ready to go apple picking!

The boys' cousin with his apple.

My sister and baby checking out the apples.

1 comment:

Mical said...

Yep looks like an awesome time!