Friday, March 19, 2010

Spoiled Me

Somewhere in the craziness that has been our life lately, my husband still managed to totally spoil me and allowed me to purchase the super expensive camera that I wanted. My sister has one like it and takes the BEST pictures of her kids with it. I suspect that some of it is just natural talent, but I convinced myself that if I had her camera, I could get pictures like that too. :) Well, here are a few of what we've gotten so far...

Look! A caterpillar! Oh wait... it's frozen. :(
See, I can give it up!
Mama, let me tell you something...Wet paint...
Grandpa and C playing Memory.
The favorite thing about the house!


Sarah said...

Cute pics. I can't wait to see the new place!

Mical said...

Aw they all look so cute. The swing is awesome! I can't wait to see you guys... I guess we should talk about that, we could come over there but I'm not sure if you'll be here on a weekend? It'll be fun!

Christa said...

Great photos!