Sunday, September 28, 2008


So this blog thing is really hard. I mean, HOW do people find the time to do it? I honestly can’t find the time in the day. Everytime I would even think about sitting down to write a post, there’s a little boy that needs a drink or a baby that needs to eat or another little boy coloring on the walls or something. I honestly don’t see how mothers do it.
So I’m sitting on the couch eating chips because I have been cut off from my ice cream fixation. It’s so sad. Our 9 week old baby is apparently having a reaction to any dairy I’ve been eating, which would account for the high-pitched screaming he’s been using to make us deaf. So now I am off of dairy for a couple of weeks to see how he does. Of course, he’s been a total angel now so it looks like I might have to be off of dairy for a year. I really don’t know if I can do it. It might kill me. I LOVE ice cream. I look forward to eating it in the evening after all the boys are in bed. I LOVE butter, on bread, vegetables and pretty much anything else. I LOVE all of my husbands desserts which he so kindly brings home for me on occasion. I mean, a year is a long time!
I guess I should be grateful the doctor even considered a food allergy as the problem. We went forever with our third son before a doctor decided to check him for food allergies. He’s allergic to milk, eggs and peanuts. Oh, and now cats. So we’ve been doing the milk-free diet for a couple of years not. But I didn’t have to do it! I just had to keep him away. It is really amazing how his excema and coughing cleared up when we took him off of the eggs and milk. We didn’t have to use any creams or medications or anything.
Well, back to Burn Notice and my nightly chips before the baby wakes up.

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