Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cloth Diapers

So I’ve decided I would really like to try cloth diapers. My sister has been doing it for 2 years now and I have to admit that when she started it I thought she was nuts. It sounded dirty and smelly and just all around yucky. A little too much ‘tree huggy’ for me! Yes, I’m ashamed to admit that was my attitude. Now that I have another little one of my own I am remembering how much garbage you have when you use regular diapers! I am feeling really bad about all of the diapers we will go through over the next couple of years. SO, I’ve begun to search for cloth diapers that I can afford. Here’s my big question - WHY can’t you find shops that sell cloth diapers?? Why do you have to buy them online?? I would like to look through all of the different kinds and pick the ones I want. It’s strange to me that Babies r us doesn’t carry a full line of them. They’re becoming so much more trendy these days. It’s so confusing and frustrating to try to sort through what you should order. Or maybe its just me. I guess I’ll have to bite the bullet and pick some out online if I want to try it.
Anyway, back to my chips instead of ice cream.

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