Friday, June 12, 2009 us

Ten years. Today we've been married ten years! It's crazy. Seems like a milestone to me. Like it should really stand for something. Feels like I should have gotten a cruise?? or a trip to Europe?? or something after all these years? Oh well. Anthony spent the day at work, starting his summer menu, and I spent the day at church, at home with 4 boys and at a swimming pool birthday party. Great fun had by all.
Anyway, it feels like we couldn't possibly have been married so many years, but when I think back over all the things we done, I guess you really couldn't pack it in to much less. A summary:
Married June 12, 1999 in Mankato, MN. Lived there for a couple of years, in a little downstairs apartment, both working for McDonald's. Becky gets a job with Northwest Airlines in January 2001 and we make the move to Minneapolis - Burnsville to be specific. To a smallish 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment with an underground garage. The best part! Have Wyatt in 2002 and Anthony decides to go to culinary school in 2003. So Becky and Wyatt move to Indiana to live with Minka and Grandpa and Anthony takes off for New York City and the French Culinary Institute. Have Emmanuel in November 2003 and Anthony returns, an FCI graduate, in December. Hang around in Indiana and have Christian in 2005. Move to Long Island the summer of 2006 and return to Indiana in December. And finally to Ohio in 2007, where Jens was born in 2008.
Wow, so that's 7 big moves, and 4 boys in ten years. And every year of it has been wonderful!! Honestly! I wouldn't trade a single day together for anything. I recommend marriage to anyone. It's the best!


Sarah said...

Wow, you guys are awesome. It seems like you just got married. We haven't done that many interesting things in the 5 years we've been married...but I foresee a lot of MOVING in the near future.

Mical said...

Congratulations Becky! I disagree with Sarah cause it feels like Tony has been a part of the family for so long (I was only what 9?)...
