Wednesday, June 03, 2009


That's all I can say. It was the last day of school today. I feel like we slid in, holding our breath, and somehow made it to the end. And this is only year 1!!! of like many, many, many!!! I panic at the thought of real homework and 2 in full day school next year. But we have the summer to chill before we have to worry about that... rriiiggghhhttt. I feel like our summer is totally filling up already. Garage sale, VBS all next week, festivals at church, trip to Minnesota, 4th of July parades, Anthony and Jens' birthdays, PTO meetings, sister's moving and a wedding. The time is going to FLY by. I know it.
So they had field day during the morning at Wyatt's school. Jens and I went to help out and it was so much fun! I was the only parent that showed up to help his teacher so I got to be in charge of leading 20 1st graders through super crowded hallways from one activity to another. I found that I could do it! And first graders are kind of fun!! And they are up for doing almost anything you ask of them. They jumped as far as they could from a line of tape on the floor. They cheered each other on in the sack races. They threw rings at a post that was WAY too far away. And then they turned around a drew beautiful pictures of things they did throughout the year on a big piece of poster paper. It was awesome. It's great how they can just redirect from one thing to another and then throw themselves completely into it. I had to leave after the freeze pop station - which was everyone's favorite. :) Except one little boy - he turned on the projector in one of the rooms so he didn't get a freeze pop. I felt bad. You could tell he felt bad too. That's why I'm not sure I could be a teacher. It would break my heart to tell a kid they had to sit out of Field Day because they stuck their little finger out and popped that switch on the projector... He looked so scared right after he did it. Wyatt's teacher is great though and she did the right thing. Wyatt said she was crying at the end of the day. :( But he gave her a hug.
I am going to miss seeing Christian's teacher every day too - shout out to you!! :) She did such a fabulous job this year and forgave me EVERY time I forgot something. We won' t see her again next year :( but hopefully we'll see Emmanuel's teacher. We were so blessed with teachers this year!
Sigh. So now I'm sitting in total darkness, except for the tv and computer, trying to get the boys to finally go to sleep (Wyatt's first comment when he got in the car was 'now I get to stay up all night') and keep the baby sleeping. And there are how many more days left of summer??

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Awww, thanks! I am going to miss Christian. He seriously was such a good kid this year. So much fun to teach. We will do lunch soon!