Saturday, March 28, 2009

Question of the Day

So I've been wondering for, I guess at least the last nine months, what this is? Any guesses would be appreciated. Someone from Anthony's work gave it to us along with a laundry basket full of other new and used baby items at a baby shower. I just can't figure out what it is for. Oh, and here are a few pictures of Anthony planting some flowers on the side of our garage. I don't think they'll grow high enough to cover the ugly boxes on the wall but at least it might look a little prettier. :) Jens was a big help!
Fangs! The child has fangs! I think one of his middle teeth is growing in now but he's just had the bottom teeth and fangs for a while now.

It's SPRING! Yay!!

Wow, it's been a super long time since I've posted anything. That certainly is not for a lack of things to write about, but more a lack of ambition, initiative, time - things like that.
This month Wyatt turned 7 (I still can't believe it!) and we decided that, in lieu of having a party for his friends and all the insanity that entails, we would all get out of work/school and go to the zoo. Good choice!! It was so fun! I had forgotten how much fun it was to spend time with the animals and how much the boys (and their father!) enjoyed it. It was such a nice day but still early in the year so some of the exhibits were closed and there weren't really any petting opportunities or anything like that. It was mostly just stay-home moms walking around together, their perfect luxury strollers in tow. Then us with 4 wily boys, an old orange (if you could see through the dirt) stroller and a buggy board. The Columbus Zoo is a fairly nice zoo, although I didn't think it was that much greater than the Fort Wayne Zoo, a place where the boys and I spent quite a bit of time in the past! There is a large water park called Zoombezi Bay connected to the zoo, which Anthony got very excited about, but I really don't see us visiting that anytime soon. Oh well, like I said, it was FUN! Here are a few of my favorite pictures - yes, though I am notorious for forgetting to take pictures, I DID make an effort this time.

At the very beginning. Did you know flamingo's slept like that??!
Love in the air!
Aquarium was definitely a favorite!
I think this is the extinction bell? Pretty cool.All my sweet boys :)