Thursday, September 08, 2011

They Grow Up So Fast

I think that only a parent can really understand how fast their children grow up. I often wonder now if my mom still looks at me and sees the skinny little girl with stringy hair who used to sing commercials all the time. There are days now that I look at my boys and can hardly breathe when I realize how big they are and that we'll never go back to those days when they would crawl up on our laps and snuggle. W got everyone breakfast this morning while A and I were getting ready, E cleared off the table and 'washed' the dishes tonight after supper (without his usual help from W), and C cleaned up the living room after we had little friends over and they had all of the trains out. The milestones seemed to take forever for a while and now they seem to go way too fast.

Today was definitely one of those days when we realize things seem to be flying by. Today was J's first day of preschool. I wasn't even CONSIDERING preschool at the beginning of the summer, and now he's not only going to preschool two days a week, but childcare a couple of days too. What has happened to us? Our calm little life has suddenly gotten infinitely busier.

J was very excited though. He is using C's very nice preschool backpack and it works for him perfectly. He has a Buzz Lightyear metal lunchbox for they days that he stays for lunch, and he loves 'Mrs. Wock' and 'Mrs. Shock'. :) He's practically all grown up now.

He even got mail yesterday! From his new teacher!

Now in other news, THIS is a picture of 'Minka's work fixing a broken down house'. What is impressive about that is that little C would remember and even really understand what Minka's company does and then randomly think about it months after he'd last hear a word about it. He really thinks about things all the time, I think. So the scribble marks on the bottom is the 'broken down house', and the box on the top/middle is Minka's company 'which fixes houses for poor people and is going to fix that house'. The other item with the circle and the long line is in fact a ride that is apparently at King's Island and which they see commercials about and obsess about - so not really nearly as interesting or relevant.  Still, I thought the picture was cool. And he drew it on a paper that they will now laminate and then use to cover their tests when they are done with them throughout the year. I guess? So Minka, he'll be looking at your 'company' fixing a 'broken down house' every time that he finishes a test throughout the year. :)


Mical said...

aww how cute! I can't believe how big they're getting either! I always think of how mom says you have to hold them all you can when they're little b/c they will grow up fast!

Minka said...

Oh my gosh! I totally missed this entry. How sweet, it made me cry. I didn't realize the boys even knew what I did. We really miss you all.