I realized it's been a while since I've done a post on a day in our life, and I thought that today would be a perfect day to feature. Buckle up - it's been a busy one!
After a nice, boring (with the exception of the earlier post), and relaxing weekend, W, E, and C had to be up this morning and at school BEFORE (the operative word many mornings) 8:05, so we were all up early, making lunches, getting breakfast and getting everyone out the door. A had a dr.s checkup before work and J and I headed out shortly after that for my office. J's preschool Meet the Teacher Day was today at 9:00 so we walked down the hall and spent about a half-hour in his class, meeting a few kids and putting the things away in his classroom. That was a little sad, but not as sad as Thursday may be, I'm afraid. That's his first REAL day. :( He then jotted off to 'Mrs. Wock's' room (his pronunciation, not mine), and I headed to the office to try to get as much done as I could for the short week.
At noon we headed home to grab a bite to eat and finish putting buttons on the little pinafore I made last night for my friend who just had a baby (wish I'd taken pictures!!). J had his first speech appointment after a couple of months at 1:30, which went very well. We'll see next week if they think they need to work with him anymore at all. Then we ran (literally) into the hospital to visit the friend and her new baby girl. I was very excited as she's one of only 2 people I know who have had girl babies in a long time, and my sisters and I don't seem to be able to produce any -yet! Alas, she was late getting back to her room from photographing the baby and J and I got about 5 minutes to hold the little sweetheart before we had to rush across town to pick up the boys from school - hitting every red light along the way, of course!
Now our school asked everyone to sell 3 entertainment books this year as their only fund raiser and today the money was due. A was great and sold 2 at work for us but didn't have all of the money yet so I had to run through the atm to get the rest before picking up the boys. In my haste (I was late, but for a good reason!), I left my atm card in the machine. OF COURSE. And J fell asleep so I had to carry his heavy self all through the halls picking up the boys from their classrooms. Then we ran over to get gas, only to realize that I don't have my atm card! Ahhh! Now last time that happened it was at the hospital when my dad was getting his appendix out (I was also a little frazzled that day) and it took me WEEKS to get a new one. So with much trepidation I ran back to the bank (all 4 boys in tow) only to be helped by this very nice young man who ran out and got my card for me! Yay! Of course the boys took over the entire lobby while we waited, but the gentleman also informed me that they were the best behaved kids they'd had in the bank all day. Haha! ( I must mention that, due to a rather large preying mantis hanging out on the outside of the bank, I had to do quite a bit of fast talking and maybe a few threats to convince them that we can NOT throw rocks (an effort to get it to come down) near the windows of a BANK! - My life revolves around what insect they are currently stalking)
Now we had to head home for homework from 4-5 and supper before football! W had LOADS, as he seems to have some trouble getting things done in study hall, and E and C both had their share. Everyone is hungry right away so between listening to E read his 3 pages, C read his 2, and keeping W on track, I had to whip up supper and have everyone out the door by 5:30 for football.

We got back around 8:15, had the boys clean a little, W finish his homework, brownies and ice cream all around, and now the house is quiet. Ahhhh.
I just wanted to get that out for all people who think that being a stay at home mom (though I guess I'm a 1/2 working mom now) is nice and luxurious and for all of those who don't appreciate that their husband is home every evening for homework and supper. But after it all, it was a good day! :) And my husband brought home a piece of his yummy chocolate torte and some sort of alcoholic drink that looks good too!