Monday, April 13, 2009

The Great Beach Adventure

So the owners of the inn that Anthony works for gave us the best gift ever. Ok, I know I already wrote a post about the best gift ever, but this is sort of the best gift ever ever. They gave us a week at their beach condo in Florida. We, after much waffling, made the fabulous decision to take them up on it and left home at about 10pm on Saturday night. I thought it would be so much easier to drive through the night, and since Anthony stays up 1/2 the night most of the time anyway, I thought I'd get some sleep and he'd drive away. Imagine my surprise when he pulled in to a wayside rest at 1am and was done driving. Well, being a Rutt after all, I simply couldn't just sit there when there was road to conquer! So I took over and drove most of the night. I did have to stop a couple of times to rest and he finally took over at about 8. The drive took us about 16 hours and I'm glad we did it that way. The boys were sooo good and it was nice to get here in the afternoon.
The condo is beautiful! It is right on the beach and we can sit on our deck and enjoy the ocean. There is also a pool and lots of sand toys. This is seriously the way to live!
Of course the boys were up bright and early this morning, ready to head for the sand. We finally got our act together around 10ish - afterall, we're on vacation. We lathered everyone up with 50spf sunscreen and headed downstairs. Anthony found some bodyboards in the storage area and some sand toys. Here are some pictures of our first day.
Yup, this is the life. And yes, all of that skin that you see is now bright red.

Decorating the sand castle with seashells, 'teeth', 'bones' and anything else they can find.
Sweet baby FINALLY taking a nap. Even after sunscreen, an umbrella and a towel, that cheek and arm are still sunburned! Actually, all of the boys ended up sunburned. Obviously, we'll have to lather it a bit thicker tomorrow.
The sand just kept soaking up the water for their moat. :(
Jensy's first time in the ocean. He didn't even cry when the wave almost swept him away. He did shake a bit though. And finally, a wine glass the size of which even my mother could appreciate. :) And yes, there's white in there, Mom!
Be back with more tomorrow. :)


Asturiano said...

Mahn, That is so cool! The boys are just having a great time! You said the boys are red, what about Whitey, er, Anthony? Wish we could be there too. Sounds really like a lot of fun and you guys deserve/need it! Love, Dad

Asturiano said...

Gotta conquer the road--Conquer the road! I know the feeling!

Becky said...

Yes, the big A is also burnt! He tried, I have to say, but we apparently just didn't lather it thick enough.
Wish you were here too!

Mical said...

I remember our first day on the beach we spent three hours, no sunscreen, and ended up with some serious sun poisoning. Neither of us could barely move and felt sick and had fevers/chills. The sun is fierce! So at least you guys used some sunscreen. I'm so jealous the cabin is right on the beach! That is so cool!!

Mical said...

It looks like your skin might have today off with the tstorms. But no worries - the rest of the week looks clear. :)

Christa said...

Looks like so much fun! I'm glad you guys decided to go!

Sarah said...

Looks super fun. Wish WE were there!! :)

Kristen said...

I hear ya, I just want to get to my destination! I'm glad you made it safely and everyone is enjoying themselves.
FYI-We use SPF 50 also, but must re-apply about every two hours to avoid burning of the white flesh!

Becky said...

Thanks for the FYI Kal. We are definitely going to follow that today. I now know why people get those body swim suits for kids with SPF. Those would have come in handy.