Monday, April 13, 2009


Well soccer season has started again. It is so much fun to watch them play but so stressful to make it through the weeks. It's worth it though. Christian played soccer with our YMCA, which mostly consisted of him running in circles around the gym, talking or making other sounds the entire time. Pretty hilarious. Now Wyatt and Emmanuel are playing with the city parks and rec. Wyatt is in the under 8 group which means they are still not keeping score (technically) and basically playing without a goalie, but they are starting to learn positions, passing, etc. It is way fun. His coach is a dad of one of his teammates and seems really cool but does make them work. Anthony is coaching Emmanuel's team, along with the dad of Emmanuel's best friend. It is their first time at coaching and it's going to be FUN. I can tell already! :) In the under 6 group the kids mostly just run around and try to kick the ball, with a few that still insist on trying to use their hands on occasion. Here are a couple of pictures from Saturday's practice. It was freezing outside and I was a total sissy and sat in the car. Then there's a picture of Emmanuel 'running'. He thought I needed to take a picture of him and kept running back and forth until I got one he liked. I'll post some real soccer pictures soon.

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